Sure they are many options for leather saddles, starting with the very well-known Brooks: , the Lepper: , the Cardiff: , the Person, and the very interesting Selle An-atomica: . But I'm working in an Orbea fom the fifty's and I've been lucky enough to find the right saddle. The only problem was that the poor thing was all cracked and in bad shape but it was still possible to recover. So I, very carefully, removed the leather from the metal structure, washed gently with tepid water and a soft soap, and once dry, I've sanded it with a very fine sandpaper. I could have used liquid leather to refill the holes but they weren't that big so after that I've dyed it with Tarrago dyes: and judge for yourselves!
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009
Restoring a leather saddle
They are ocasions in wich you really have to be as accurate as possible. Especially when it comes to restoration.
Más calcas/More decals
Siguiendo con el tema de las calcas, dado el aumento de la demanda, he decidido ir recreando, con el máximo de fidelidad posible, todas las que, por un motivo u otro, caigan en mis manos. En los casos en que, por el mal estado del original, no puedo "descifrar" lo que dice,lo dejo en blanco. Como el texto de esta que os cedo, como podéis ver, es muy difícil saber lo que dice.
En la "Especial BH", el color de fondo del ciclista hacía juego con los puños de la bicicleta. Aquí os las dejo en crema y azul.
Given the increasing demand of decals, I've decided to recreate, as close to the original as possible, all of them that fall into my hands. In the cases in wich, given the bad shape of the original, I can not "guess" what's written, i shall leave it blank. Like, for exemple, the one I'm just offering, as you can see, it is very difficult to know what is saying.
In the "Especial BH", the background color of the cicling man suits the one of the bycicle grips. I leave you here the cream and the blue versions.