
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Welcome to Reciclone

This Blog is the answer to the passion I've developped trough the years for antique, old, classical and vintage bicycles. I've started to work on rusty old bikes, learning on my own and in the net just because they are not pros left able to teach you how to remove a cotter pin, or a crank,or how to pinstripe a bike, what materials to use, etc.
Lucky for us all, Internet is here to provide tones of information, the only thing you need is time to fish the interesting ones. I've expended many hours in that fishing and I would like to share the information I've got with everyone interested in old bicycles.

1 comentario:

  1. hola a tots i totes. Reciclone es un blog molt ben fet; sens dubte, era necessari una entrada así, tant pel seu gran de professionalitat en la restauració de bicis com d'experiències. Aporta solucions a problemes que tenim dia a dia. Felicitats Jordi
